
Why are chlorine based cleaning products dangerous?

Majorly all cleaning products that are available in the markets are chlorine based. These are not only dangerous on the basis of the ingredients that are used in the making of these cleaning products but also when we use them at home they cause damage to our health and our environment as well. House cleaning Woodbridge has few points to prove how chlorine based cleaning products are dangerous for your household and your health during the house cleaning. 


1. Around children

During the house cleaning process, It is considered by most people that bleach is only dangerous around children who swallow it and no otherwise. That is not the truth it is equally dangerous around children otherwise as well just as we use bleach based products around the house for cleaning, even after cleaning the bleach stays on the surface and emits fumes and the children to touch the same surfaces that go in there mouth. Which makes them more vulnerable to face respiratory and asthma diseases later in life.  


2. Interaction with other household material

When house cleaning the use of bleach is harmful on its own, but if it gets mixed with some other material then it can react and cause more harm. Especially if the bleach mixes with the rubbing alcohol or with ammonia then it can form gases which could harm your nasal and lungs. Also in extreme cases a person can die from these gases. Bleach can even reach with everyday products such as window cleaners and dishwasher cleaner. So instead of using bleach you can go for DIY or eco-friendly cleaners.


3. Harmful for the pets

When house cleaning just like humans animals also get the reaction to things as well. Since bleach is harmful for the human’s health so is it harmful for your animals as well. You don’t intentionally expose your animal to the bleach but if you use bleach to clean the floor or the bedding and stuff around the house it was get stuck in there paws and when they lick it, it gets indigested by them and make them sick. Since they are small in size as compared to the human’s so just the fumes from the bleach can make your pet sick.   


4. Harmful for the environment

As we use bleach for house cleaning, it gets washed out when we drain the water so the bleach also gets drained as well. The bleach can stay stuck in your drainage for a long time and cause you harm, not only that when the bleach is drained it gets in the water and then affect the creatures in the water. It can even harm the animals who drink that water and make them sick as well. So it is better that we switch to eco-friendly cleaners which won’t harm our environment and the creatures in it. 


If you are looking for more tips regarding chlorine based products then you can get in touch with your local House Cleaning Woodbridge experts. Call House Cleaning Woodbridge experts now.