
You might not be cleaning your toilet properly!

Even though there is no place in the home that can be left without cleaning, but bathroom is such a place that requires deep cleaning on a daily basis or on alternate basis as the bathroom is covered in germs and if we keep on using that dirty bathroom we will soon get sick. If the bathroom is in a single persons use and you keep it clean then the cleaning can be done on a weekly basis, but certain areas need to be taken care of on almost a daily basis. House Cleaning Woodbridge have a few tips on how often should you clean the bathroom during the house cleaning.

Tips for cleaning the bathroom:

There is not much effort you need to do in cleaning the bathroom if you clean it on a daily basis. There are some quick ways that you can use to keep your sinks and tubs clean.  


1. Clean the toilet

When house cleaning it is a must that you get or clean your toilet on a regular basis, or you can clean the toilet bowl once or twice a week. This is a must as this is the most used part of the bathroom. During house cleaning the toilet is the germiest part of the bathroom, it’s not just that even though you flush the toilet after use still there are particles of germs that fly out and stick to the toilet seat and the cover, which can then spread out. So you can use a bleach wipe to clean the toilet bowl once you see the yellow ring around the toilet bowl or every once or twice during the week.


2. Clean the sink

When house cleaning, you must have seen water marks in the sink after a few uses. It gives your bathroom a very untidy look and even though you do or get your bathroom cleaned on every alternate day still your bathroom will give an untidy look because of this. So make sure when you clean the toilet bowl then do get the sink clean too. This too collects a lot of germs that could get you ill. During house cleaning us often overlook the cleaning of the bathroom mirror. If your mirror is not clean it gives an untidy look too. The bathroom mirror is the first thing we look at when we enter the bathroom and if has all the water splashes, it gets hard to look into the mirror. 


3. Take out the trash

When house cleaning, the trash cans placed in the bathroom get filled very easily. The trash from the trash can should be removed very often. You should make sure that every other day you get the trash out from the trash can. It can even give your bathroom a very strange smell, if the trash in the trash can is there for many days.  


For more house cleaning tips for you bathroom you should call your local House Cleaning Woodbridge experts. Pick up your phone and call House Cleaning Woodbridge.